Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter Fun!

It is mid-night and I am up grading, so I thought I needed to take a break (aka procrastinate) and do a quick update.

Easter was a wonderful family day.  Holidays are a blast now with a 2 1/2 year old.  Evie gets so darn excited and even laid out carrots for the Easter Bunny with her daddy the night before.  What wasn't cute was her waking up at 2 am wondering if the Bunny came.

If you know my Ev, she does not like to wear dresses.  Well Nana Kari bought her the cutest dress, but we almost didn't get it on her.  When we were getting her dressed in the morning we first put on white tights.  She was bewildered and asked us, "What is this? Pants with socks on them?!?" dear daughter.  Why yes, they are pants with socks on them. 

She put on her dress and she looked adorable.  Aaron and I at the same time just said, "Evie, you look so beautiful!"  Well, she didn't want to hear it.  She exclaimed in a raised little girls voice, "You guyzzzz, I NOT beautiful.  I Evie Mae Forsythe (sounds more like four-fife)!"  It was hilarious.  I wish we had it on video.

The good news was Nora & Ev were excellent at church.  Nora just zoned out on the ceiling fans and fell asleep.  Evie was singing along.  The children had the opportunity to go to the front of the church with the Pastor.  Aaron attempted to bring up Evie, but she said, "No!  No way!"  Ha.  We tried.

Here are some pictures from our day!


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